
Exceptions that could be raised during one of the git commands

exception git_interface.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException

Bases: git_interface.exceptions.GitException

Raised when something already exists could be repository, branch, etc

exception git_interface.exceptions.BufferedProcessError

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when non-zero return code is found

exception git_interface.exceptions.DoesNotExistException

Bases: git_interface.exceptions.GitException

Raised when something does not exist e.g. tag

exception git_interface.exceptions.GitException

Bases: Exception

Parent exception for all git exceptions, used when there is no other exception that fits error

exception git_interface.exceptions.NoBranchesException

Bases: git_interface.exceptions.GitException

Raised when a repository has no branches or none that match a filter

exception git_interface.exceptions.NoCommitsException

Bases: git_interface.exceptions.GitException

Raised when a repository has commits

exception git_interface.exceptions.NoLogsException

Bases: git_interface.exceptions.GitException

Raised when a repository has no logs available

exception git_interface.exceptions.PathDoesNotExistInRevException

Bases: git_interface.exceptions.GitException

Raised when a path does not exist in a repository

exception git_interface.exceptions.UnknownRefException

Bases: git_interface.exceptions.GitException

Raised when a a reference is not found

exception git_interface.exceptions.UnknownRevisionException

Bases: git_interface.exceptions.GitException

Raised when a revision is not found